Our five-year mission is to explore the galactic fringe, and to seek out new civilizations and new potential trade routes, to boldly go where no trader has gone before.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Star Trader
Our five-year mission is to explore the galactic fringe, and to seek out new civilizations and new potential trade routes, to boldly go where no trader has gone before.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Sneaky Sorceror Spells
Level: 2
Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged
Range: 10 feet/level
Target: one bow or crossbow, and 1 bolt or arrow per level.
This spell allows the caster to use a bow or crossbow from a distance, albeit at a -1 penalty for every 10 feet away the weapon is. The weapon can be moved up to 20 feet per round, and can be fired once per round, until the duration has expired, or the weapon has fired all its enspelled ammunition. Both the weapon and the target of the weapon must be in line of sight of the caster.
Mask Under the Mask
Level: 5
Duration: 1 hour/level
Much like the spell Disguise Self, this changes the caster's visual appearance. However, unlike that spell, if the disguise is pierced (through feeling the target, True Seeing, or Dispel Magic), there is a second disguise underneath, which includes tactile, olfactory, thermal and auditory disguising on the caster, and which cannot be detected by True Seeing unless the caster loses an opposed Magic Attack roll.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Doodle Dungeons
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Monday, 17 May 2010
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Microlite: Feats of Power III - this time it's Clerical.
Lucky Bastard
Once per session you can either re-roll a dice you just rolled, or force the DM to re-roll a dice he just rolled, on the condition that the outcome of that roll effects you. The second roll stands, even if it's worse (for you) than the first one.
Cheating Bastard
You get +2 on the Knowledge skill, and can cast all 0-level mage or illusionist spells, as well as arcane spells from scrolls.
Cleric Feats
(just as a reminder, in m20, Clerics get a number of turning attempts per day equal to their level + mind bonus + 2)
Wrathful God
When an enemy attacks you in melee, you can expend a Turn Undead attempt to deal that enemy the same amount of damage as you take.
Loving God
When you cast a healing spell, you can expend a Turn Undead attempt to roll d10s instead of d8s to see how many hp you heal.
God of Storms
You can throw small bolts of lightning as a ranged attack. Essentially, they work like a thrown spear (including your Strength bonus to damage), except their use your magic attack bonus to hit. Additionally, if you expend a Turn undead attempt, the bolt deals double damage.
Civilized God
God of Light
God of Shadows
[Tablanomicon of Jahibnfil] Assorted Alchemy
Roll | |
1 | Quiescent Quicksilver: A vile of near-inert quicksilver that absorbs all sounds for 10 minutes on release. |
2 | Think-Man’s Pumice: Transforms gold into lead. Useful in certain limited situations. |
3 | Liquid Lunch: A liquefied luncheon, feeds four. Delicious and nutritious. |
4 | Geas Grease: The first person to slip over in a pool of geas grease owes its creator one major favour. |
5 | Sovereign Glue: Two things joined by this substance cannot be unjoined except by magical means or universal solvent. |
6 | Merchant Paste: Rub on silver or copper coins to make them appear gold for three days. Enough for 500 “gold” pieces. |
7 | Alchemic Armour: Apply to add +3 to the armour value of a particular suit of armour. The effect dissipates after five hours. Unfortunately, so does the armour. |
7a | Illusionist's Fire: target appears to catch fire, but suffers no harm. |
9 | Mouldy Bread: Either cures any disease or gives you terrible food poisioning. |
10 | Tracer Dust: Once you sprinkle this on someone, a specialised lodestone compass will point to them for five days. |
11 | Universal Solvent: One dose dissolves any kind of physical bond between two objects or creature. |
12 | Mass Opiate: Specially treated holy water that causes everyone in a 20-foot radius to forget their struggles. |
13 | Dragonfire Tar: Clings to target, dealing 1d8 damage per round until they jump into the water. |
14 | Rock Oil Solution: Add to water to create up to 10 oil flasks. |
15 | Cleansing Agent: Add to any body of water to cleanse it of all imperfections. Do not pour into ocean unless you like global ecocide. |
16 | Sleeping Draught: Stopper says “Sleeping Draught, Do Not Disturb”. It doesn’t like being disturbed. |
17 | Ghoststrike Oil: When applied to weapon, it becomes semi-insubstantial and ignores armour. It also attracts ghosts. |
18 | Elixir of Life: Heals the drinker completely of all wounds and adds +1d6 years to their lifespan. Positive effect is somewhat offset by cocktail of water-borne parasites and diseases. |
19 | Philosopher Stone: Contains the voice of one noisy dead philosopher. |
20 | Metaversal Solvent: As universal solvent, but can dissolve metaphysical and metaphorical bonds. Use with extreme care. |
Microlite: More Feats of Power!
Lightning Reload
You may reload a crossbow as a free action.
Mighty Bowman
Saturday, 8 May 2010
[m20 magic item] Bottled Lightning

A post inspired by the above picture, the awesome lightning pirates in Stardust, and the fact that "mana potions" are boring.
Lightning is power. In a magic-rich environment, this is true in more ways than one (that one otherwise being "the power to fry anything stupid enough to be standing out in the open"). The wizards of the Coin long ago worked out that properly captured and processed, lightning could be used as a power source for their spell-workings. Most wizard towers have a lightning-rod and processing equipment installed, although unless the resident feels like messing with the local weather patterns or annoying a god, there's always the problem of getting a regular supply (compounded by the fact it goes flat after a while). Many wizards prefer to just buy it from the few skyship crews who specialize in lightning collection.
A bottle of reasonably fresh, refined, lightning costs about 350-400gp. It can be used in one of two ways:
Firstly, a wizard (or cleric) can drink it as a standard action. If he then casts a spell on his next turn, that spell's HP cost is reduced by 1d6. If the caster doesn't cast a spell on his text turn, however, the build-up of power discharges, dealing him 1d6 damage.
Second, it can be shaken and thrown, causing it to explosively discharge. This deals 3d6 damage to the target, and 1d6 damage to anybody standing next to him (Reflex save for half. DC = thrower's attack roll).
Stale, old, bottled lighting would use a d4 or d3 instead of a d6.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
The Coin

The discovery of a bunch of elephants and a planet-sized turtle adhered to the other side of the "Coin" kind of upset this theory, but sadly, by then, the name had stuck.
So, this is my campaign world. A little Discworld*, a little D&D kitchen sink, far more planning than is healthy, and far less planning than it seems to warrant. The map above was originally created by TheLoneAmigo, then got tweaked by me (you can blame me for the horrible shade of orange on the deserts, him for the place names).
*which is to say, a lot Discworld.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Microlite: Feats of Power!
Nimble Swordsman
You may add your Dexterity bonus to attack rolls (in addition to your strength score) in any round where you move at least once.
Even if you miss, you still do damage equal to your Strength Bonus to the creature you were attacking.
Wand of Accuracy
At the cost of 1hp, you may re-roll a magic attack roll and add your Dexterity bonus if wielding a wand.